24 Feb 06
A group of us went to the ICF (International Christian Fellowship) night for a great dinner and interaction. over there, i engaged in a pretty long conversation with Shu Wen who is from China, and Michael who moved from China to Vancouver, and worked as a researcher in Seattle. it happened that they were having an Olympics game night after dinner, where we played many familiar games in an interesting manner.
We played 'musical cups' where we were required to clap a rhythm and passed the cups to the person sitting on our right. the whole bunch of us ended up laughing at our entangled hands and cups were all over the place. had a geography game where we were required to spot some countries on the world map. my geography knowledge is pretty limited to asian countries so... heehee =p
next up was a table tennis game where we could only serve once and rotate the players. either i couldnt serve the ping pong ball or the ball went hitting the ceiling... this proves that there just isnt any sports genes in me haha. luckily, the ball didnt hit anyone!
gave my first try on pool and as expected, none of the balls went in haha. but my partner from Japan was good despite being a newbie in this. we came in first within our team, all thanks to him of course! i only contributed in complimenting him for his superb skills hee hee.
had my hands on table soccer and it was real funny watching my peeps pitting against one another. a game of charade as well as 'balloon volleyball' were played before we had prize presentations and desserts.
all in all, it was a fabulous night with whole loads of amazing people, great food and interesting games. thanks to uncle tim for jio-ing us over! =) happy 21st birthday to twins (yuping and yuting)!

we are all great winners!