
Monday, March 06, 2006

6 Mar 06
'skipos' makes me laugh

Posted this entry using the wireless network in UW. its really super fast!!! no disconnection at all compared to the one back in acacia (i get disconnected once every 15min -_-")

Just finished my entrepreneurial discussion and thought of blogging some interesting stuff that has happened in the morning. guess people over here enjoy oranges. my group mate, Jenna was busy eating an orange away in class, and now in balmer commons, a gal is also eating an orange away while talking to friends. kinda remind me of the guy sitting behind me in the lecture theatre during my JC days where i smelt oranges coming from behind. turned back and had a shock that he was busy peeling the skin while the lecturer was in action. to friends who know me, i hate orange (but i like orange juice hee), and i can smell somebody eating orange from afar. the sight of him peeling the skin definitely left a deep impression in my mind haha.

in the midst of the entrepreneurial discussion, Chris was saying something about 'skipos'. i was like, what's that? skipos? stunned for a moment, he said its ok, but i insisted on knowing what exactly is skipos. is it something new over in seattle that spore dont have or??

his explanation goes like this: you know people ski in winter, and they need to use the poles to ski?

and i was like, oh ski poles! =p

i dont think he spoke too fast coz Jenna gets what he said. i guess its just me... still not used to the way people speaks over here... which explains why when somebody ask a opinion in class where you need to raise your hand to agree or disagree, my hand will always remain down coz i dont even get the question in the first place! i can only catch the beginning and ending of the question... and the middle was like disappearing into thin air! amazing it may sound, but i dont know why this only happens in my entrepreneurial class. my accounting and marketing class is ok... asked Jenna whether people over here speaks differently but she said they speak all the same... well, its just me i guess =)

my schedule for the next week or so (seattle time):
tuesday: accounting quiz 5 (yeah its the last quiz!)
wednesday: marketing research presentation. entrepreneurship presentation. (i hope i wont get all too nervous!)
saturday: marketing research final exam. managerial accounting final exam. marketing research extra credit assignment due. marketing research group project report due.
next tuesday: entrepreneurship final exam.
next thursday: entrepreneurship group project report due.... and...

i am flying off to nyc on next thursday! cant wait to finish all my exams and embrace the statue of liberty! cool huh?

but before that, i have to mug mug mug....

so its a good sign if i didnt update this blog till thursday (means i am mugging away)... to all peeps who are mugging away (be it UW students or ntu peeps), all the best in finishing this race! =)


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