27 Nov 06BirthdayHappy Birthday to Ray tong xue... our driver to the trips we had in the states... luckily most of the time i was fast asleep in the car, didnt get to witness those stunts that you had while driving... well except the one where you drove in reverse direction hahaha... too exciting =p and i get to sit in your car in spore! hehe... safe driver but took us approximately the same time from ntu to merchant court by public transport leh hahaha. nevertheless thanks for the free rides yo... hope you are having lotsa fun travelling right now! =DToday also marks the birth of legendary icon Mr Bruce Lee. A quote from him from the internet:"Don't get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water." - Bruce Lee (1940-1973)
Random Surfing1) There is this article about researchers seeking routes to happier life... and the method which they propose is simple and cost free, well except for opportunity cost where your sleeping time will minus 5 minutes hehe. Every night before you sleep, just think of three good things that happened that day and analyse why they occured. It was said to increase your overall happiness =D i think the underlying rationale is to show appreciation to the little things that happen in your life everyday, and the thought of them making you smile will leaves you with sweet choco dreams hehhehe. Diener made this statement: "Happiness is the process, not the place. So many of us think that when we get everything just right, and obtain certain goals and circumstances, everything will be in place and we will be happy.... But once we get everything in place, we still need new goals and activities. The Princess could not just stop when she got the Prince."2) From YAHOO! Answers, a dude posted this question:"I'm an American mna, about to marry a Chinese woman. What should i know about our cultural differences?"One response that came by the name of Gucci Girl:"If you are going to marry her, shouldn't you have known her culture before hand, did she not teach anyting? sounds as though she really wants to come to America... by the way they eat dogs."The last line totally cracks me up hahaha. 3) Yesterday while surfing for some articles pertaining to IMF, one response derived from YAHOO! Answers was:"IMF = Impossible Mission Force???"
The End of Exams to Embrace yet another Beginning!My exams for this semester have officially ended! Although this exam period is a relatively short 12 days compared to the norm of two weeks or even stretches till maximum three weeks, i still find it very draggy! especially with 9 days to my final paper, oh man this leaves rooms for some ultimate slacking before back to my last minute nature again. After finishing my core paper, i told my roomie that i felt lost. i'm not sure about you guys, but i always have this 'lost' feeling whenever my exams are over. its like the never ending work load for the past few months and preparation leads you to this exam and ta da! your role of studying for this particular module has accomplished and now, you are aimless. that's of course, rubbish! because learning is a life long journey and oh well, its the process blah blah blah... i guess this explains why in life, there's always lots of planning to be done, to ensure that you will always keep yourself busy and ok lah (haha Jeroen likes to put in the extra effort of including a 'lah' in his statement, and boy i'm doing it right now, chuckles), allows you to have some time to do some nua-ing (rotting) hehe. It seems that my plan for december has already been fixed long time ago. okie so be it. friends around me are making plans to get out of singapore, while i'm stuck here. boo! =p its good to have a short getaway to let your hair down, doing some retail therapy in Bangkok or exploring new and exciting places =D but well, i'm ok with it since i have my fair share of fun before too. so now its payback time! meaning attachment attachment attachment!!! hohoho... kind of excited about it, to see how much of those HR stuff that i have learned in school can actually be applied in the work place, and to look at how strategic role HR plays, or so they claimed. these eight weeks long of attachment translate to an opportunity cost of missing three weeks of classes in Jan! oh gosh, i'm starting my cycle of missing classes again... bad bad!With a modest one week break before i begin my routine schedule, i'm going to do lotsa stuff! hmm... lets see, meeting my ZesPreneur groupies to conquer the virtual L'oreal world. it sure gonna be tough with those P&L statements coming back to haunt me again, but its a challenge that i gladly accept hehe. 1st CCA meeting that sorts of serve as a form of orientation to me heh. Going to have dinner outside too because i'm so sick of hall food! some shopping for attachment clothes will brighten up my day too, and oh! i'm going to vacate my hall and finally able to 'repatriate' back home! hahaha... okok i know there's FYP too... yup that's always on the list. i'm a busy gal haha, but i welcome disturbance as and when i needed a break =D i have been looking forward to this moment, the end of exams and the beginning of a whole new challenge. the only sad thingie is that some of my friends are going back home and i dont know when will be the next moment i get to see them again. hey that's life! people do come and go, so i wish all of you to have a better life out there! hohoho xmas is coming! i want to have a white xmas too! envy! i'll pay the ice hotel a visit in future when time and resources allow haha. till then, enjoy the holiday folks!
kiwi jumping for joy!
Beautiful NTU at nightI remembered there was one night where i explored NTU together with my ex roomie while we were still freshies... took some random photos and sank ourselves at the couches in BS rotting some time away. NTU is really charming at night... shall armed myself with tripod next time to capture the night scene hehe. They represented my feelings at that point of time... I love the night version of NTU... and the mist mist mist!
NTU at night
view outside my window where i used to stay in hall 11
Failure is just the Beginning of Success"I rather you fail, because you will only learn when failure sets in. If you are always successful in the things you do, it only proves one thing, that you can do these things. what can you learn out of them except the repetitive way of doing something that you are already good in? hmmm... life is a matter of accepting new challenges and to learn from failure. celebrate your failure and laugh at it! these are precious learning points that you have went through... and they will be the building blocks in your journey."
Thank you...I'm finally done with my core exam... i thought the content of strategic management is one of the hardest module that i have taken in ntu. you really need to be jack of all trades - analysing the balance sheet, P&L statements blah blah from the exhibits, some marketing models that i'm quite comfortable with, looking from the perspectives of a managerial position... ah.. anything that has the word strategic is tricky! but well, i learn quite a bit from this module, not as crappy as i thought it would be. especially enjoyed reading the tutorial cases and textbook cases where i'm better able to relate to the examples and compare in different contexts. its interesting to learn about the strategies undertaken by companies - both successful and not so good attempts to learn from them.This semester just come and go like nobody's business. Due to outside commitments, i have missed a couple of classes, especially for my GEs. yeah i'm indeed guilty about it because the purpose of overloading is to learn the things that i'm interested in, if not it defeats the purpose! i'm back again taking another crime related module heehee. its interesting to learn about forensic science and how those smarties managed to crack tough cases. guests speakers are generally good as they bring in applications and real life cases to share with the students. i guess the only downside about this module is that you really need to memorise the terms, techniques etc, down to the teensy weensy details. as such, i did real bad for the exam coz i just find it hard to memorise and didnt focus on the details as well. things get worsen when i made a stupid mistake in reconstructing the case, thereby starting a whole pile of illogical and nonsense arguments thats unforgivable! i guess i'm not someone who can accept failure easily, and once again, it proves the equation of studying is not equal to grades. an element of luck plays a part as well. ok i guess i better stop complaining about the exams for afterall, its over! just left with one more paper, regional tourism development before i begin my internship in the coming december. so excited about it! =Djust felt that there's so many people helping me this semester and i truly appreciate them. without them this semester is going to be a tougher ride.Thank you to...Yingjie: my roomie who has been lending me her forensic science notes whenever i missed classes, explaning some of the terms to me... complaining and gossiping together... lunching and dinner... glad that although we were in different faculties, we could still end up taking the same module together heehee. Weilin: thanks for lending me your tourism notes for i have missed so many classes =p all the best!Jun Wen: thanks for lending me your strategic management notes, as well as explaining them to me when i understand that time is precious for everyone. really appreciate your time and effort. see you in tourism exam!Ray: for helping me with strategic mgmt... you are good at these bs stuff haha... enjoy your holiday!Jeroen, Cecilia, Sophie and gang: you guys brighten the tourism class~ had fun during the tutorials and projects... i hope all of you have enjoyed your exchange programs and have fun travelling around the region... yoo hoo!Strat Mgmt groupies: efficient team where 5 strangers created synergies. i learned a lot from you gals. thank you. HR Training groupies: we managed to survive through this hectic semester with so many presentations that i have lost count on it. the nights in mcdonalds will be something to remember haha =pIMF team: although its just a short period and i dont get to know many of you well, its cool to work with you guys. thanks for giving me the opportunity to be at esplanade where i'm simply blown off by the showcases of the different cultural aspects of singapore. great job!Hui Ling: for jio-ing me for the GES where we get to interact with someone who offered insights to us haha. lets work hard for our internship and go shopping after work yeah!Junhong: for listening to my complaints whether you like it or not heh =pand many others... its so ironic... whenever i'm suffering from the massive workload, i would hope that everything would come to an end soon. now, i'm feeling sad that classes have ended... in fact i think i feel more sad than my friends who are on exchange to singapore... because they are leaving soon. but well, i'm happy for them because life moves on and i hope that life will be better for all of us =) continue to pursue your dreams and capture it! the world is small, we may get to meet one another again~