16 Mar 06
Set off to NYC
Finally the adventure to the East begins!
the first batch shall set off today, 3 dudes and a blur sotong haha. luckily the flight did provide some light snacks, else i would have starved on the plane. transit at cincinnati and off we landed at NYC.

bed of clouds

in the subway

flight stewardness served us expired pretzels, better than nothing i guess

transit at cincinnati

poor jiahui busy wearing his army boots again
Set off to NYC
Finally the adventure to the East begins!
the first batch shall set off today, 3 dudes and a blur sotong haha. luckily the flight did provide some light snacks, else i would have starved on the plane. transit at cincinnati and off we landed at NYC.

bed of clouds

in the subway

flight stewardness served us expired pretzels, better than nothing i guess

transit at cincinnati

poor jiahui busy wearing his army boots again