
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

11 July 07
"Without Bridges, we would all be islands."

This has been my msn nick for the longest time that I can ever remember.

I dont know the actual meaning behind it. But my own interpretation is that if we are all islands in the first place, we are all alone. Its only when there is a bridge that can link me to you... the bridge is sort of like communication... communication will link the two islands together.

This is also my first time hearing people commenting about it.

Vinclone has additional three verses to it.

"Without bridges, we would all be islands.
With these bridges, we are still islands.
However connected above the common sea,
in the end islands shall be islands."

Heard rumours that without bridges, we'd all be islands.
but den if we're not islands in the first place, why den would we need bridges ley?

Shall not comment much over here... let your thoughts wonder. I guess there's no right or wrong answer to the bridge and islands thingie... its just your way of interpretation... nobody could say its wrong, right? well somebody could say its right though =)


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