31 May 07
Vesak Day
Intend to wakie at 6am to go reservoir for a jog but overslept! I was still quite awake at 4am plus but thinking that I may suffer from a headache if I didnt sleep, I went into dreamland at 4.30am. With the temptation of continue to roll, I gave jogging a miss haha. So much about my training plan haha.
Wakie around noon time and started to prepare to go out. 5 minutes before I stepped out of my house it began to pour very heavily without any warning. Thus, I armed myself with the biggest foldable pink umbrella and got out of my house, thinking that it should be big enough to shelter me from the rain. While walking under the covered walkway from my house to the bus stop, my jeans was almost half soaked already - contributed by the heavy rain and mighty wind. As I just missed the bus to the train station, I figured that I might as well walked there, like what I usually did. It took me twice the amount of time to reach the train station and as a result, I was late for my cca meeting.
Safely boarded the train and looked out, the rain has subsided to a drizzle! Oh man... so much for braving the wind and rain -_-"" Received a call from Mervin telling me that the meeting has changed to Raffles City starbucks instead of Suntec starbucks as its way too overcrowded over there. I dont know what has gotten into me but I took it as Raffles Place starbucks (if there's any to begin with) and took the train all the way to Raffles Place. Just as I reached Raffles Place mrt, Mervin called me again asking me where am I. I told him I have reached Raffles Place and it turned out that I got the wrong venue! Immediately I took another train and I really did look at the map before boarding to ensure that its heading towards City Hall, coz I'm always confused with the lines in the interchange. Ta-da! I landed up in Tanjong Pagar! -_-""" Finally, I reached City Hall mrt.
Citylink is soooooo crowded with people... luckily we found sofa seats at the Pacific Coffee - our good old place for meeting. Just when I took out the chinese books that I got for my friend from Taiwan, I realised that some pages of it were soaked with rain water!!! Grrr... the funny thing is that the paper bag that I put in my bag wasnt wet, but the books were! =( I took so much care in bringing the books back from Taiwan, wrapping them with clothes in my luggage so that the books wouldnt have doggy ears. Alas, they have to suffer such fate in Singapore... something that has slipped my mind. Haiz... poor books =(
Went to Ju Ju Hokkaido Hot Pot at Paradiz Centre for dinner. Its such a huge serving but because of the good food and quality service, I managed to finish almost everything, except for the mountain of cabbages, 1 corn and some desserts. I literally sat there and kept eating non stop for slightly more than 2 hours coz the food just kept coming... so busy wor haha. Eat until its so tiring that I wana sleep liao. Even till now at 4.30am, I'm still feeling very full =p
Tomorrow is another busy day too... meeting peeps! =D
Vesak Day
Intend to wakie at 6am to go reservoir for a jog but overslept! I was still quite awake at 4am plus but thinking that I may suffer from a headache if I didnt sleep, I went into dreamland at 4.30am. With the temptation of continue to roll, I gave jogging a miss haha. So much about my training plan haha.
Wakie around noon time and started to prepare to go out. 5 minutes before I stepped out of my house it began to pour very heavily without any warning. Thus, I armed myself with the biggest foldable pink umbrella and got out of my house, thinking that it should be big enough to shelter me from the rain. While walking under the covered walkway from my house to the bus stop, my jeans was almost half soaked already - contributed by the heavy rain and mighty wind. As I just missed the bus to the train station, I figured that I might as well walked there, like what I usually did. It took me twice the amount of time to reach the train station and as a result, I was late for my cca meeting.
Safely boarded the train and looked out, the rain has subsided to a drizzle! Oh man... so much for braving the wind and rain -_-"" Received a call from Mervin telling me that the meeting has changed to Raffles City starbucks instead of Suntec starbucks as its way too overcrowded over there. I dont know what has gotten into me but I took it as Raffles Place starbucks (if there's any to begin with) and took the train all the way to Raffles Place. Just as I reached Raffles Place mrt, Mervin called me again asking me where am I. I told him I have reached Raffles Place and it turned out that I got the wrong venue! Immediately I took another train and I really did look at the map before boarding to ensure that its heading towards City Hall, coz I'm always confused with the lines in the interchange. Ta-da! I landed up in Tanjong Pagar! -_-""" Finally, I reached City Hall mrt.
Citylink is soooooo crowded with people... luckily we found sofa seats at the Pacific Coffee - our good old place for meeting. Just when I took out the chinese books that I got for my friend from Taiwan, I realised that some pages of it were soaked with rain water!!! Grrr... the funny thing is that the paper bag that I put in my bag wasnt wet, but the books were! =( I took so much care in bringing the books back from Taiwan, wrapping them with clothes in my luggage so that the books wouldnt have doggy ears. Alas, they have to suffer such fate in Singapore... something that has slipped my mind. Haiz... poor books =(
Went to Ju Ju Hokkaido Hot Pot at Paradiz Centre for dinner. Its such a huge serving but because of the good food and quality service, I managed to finish almost everything, except for the mountain of cabbages, 1 corn and some desserts. I literally sat there and kept eating non stop for slightly more than 2 hours coz the food just kept coming... so busy wor haha. Eat until its so tiring that I wana sleep liao. Even till now at 4.30am, I'm still feeling very full =p
Tomorrow is another busy day too... meeting peeps! =D
wah wah...i realised most Uni graduates loves go tw for graduate holidays..when u go de??? Oso mid of e MAY ma??
ssmkj リムユーティン, At
1:00 PM
hey there... nope i go in early may and back by mid may le. yup in fact i saw a couple of my uni people over there too.
qing, At
9:05 AM
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