
Thursday, July 05, 2007

5 July 07
Commencement for my Dear NUS Friends

5am: Just manage to hit the bed after clearing up the silent explosion of A&W can in my cupboard.... Zzzzz so much work!

615am: Alarm rang. Cant seem to wakie.

730am: I want to roll some more. Please...

810am: Chum! I'm going to be late!!!

825am: Get myself out of my house in the fastest speed that I can hold in my sub conscious state.

835am: Reach AMK interchange.

840am: Shocked to see Lijun wearing so formal when she informed me that she would be just wearing jeans, so I decided to dress down too haha. Share a cab with Kallis, Xiu Rong and Lijun to head down to NUS UCC (University Cultural Centre, if i didnt remember wrongly)

915am: Reach NUS. Late coz we were supposed to doll Suhui up. Started our make up strategy on her, some hair beauty, adjustments of motar board and gown etc.

940am: Ready to be seated. Phew! Finally all the madness has subsided for the time being. However, still need to open my eyes big big to catch when's the three stars going to be on stage. Luckily Soon Fatt has good eye sight. He can easily spot where they were sitting while I was like still where??? There? Eh? Dont have leh cant see. So he became a live reporter of when were their turns on stage etc while I grabbed my camera to be on stand by mode.

Their commencement was shorter than our convocation. Not sure whether is it my illusion or something, I thought their UCC was smaller than our NY Audit. Anyway, am glad that the ceremony has ended fast without me dozing off heehee.

Next up was photo taking session haha! Really so much like taking bridal photos lor hahaha!!!

Suhui (the 'bride') was so popular, taking pictures with her fellow NUS friends and different groups of friends such as the SRJC gang, the MFSS gang, Taiwan gang, zapalang gang etc. I jokingly called for NYJC and TPS gang but no cameras were seen clicking coz Lijun and I aint the stars today haha.

Took the indoor shots with the fake flowers, on the staircase leading to dont know where in level 2, some random shots here and there before Suhui decided to venture into the outdoor shoots haha. So we had two statutes outside and some grass patches for you to lie on, like some literally professional outdoor bridal shoots haha. Of coz in between we helped ourselves to the buffet. Very small plate that they had which I was trying soooo hard to arrange the food properly so that all can be squeezed in, albeit with some food poking out here and there haha. Cant blame me for being greedy coz i havent eaten anything since the morning and the siew mai were zapped up sooooo fast!

Stoned and waited for Vincent to arrive. He was supposed to arrive at 2pm but no news from him. Waited till 225pm before sensing that something was wrong... coz he was to be seated by 240pm. Called him to find out that there is no reception in UCC!!! Yes totally zero (read again: 0) reception!!! With so many graduands, Suhui and I were like walking from one end to another trying our luck to catch a Mr Zhou Xing Ci look a like. Alas we caught him hiding in a corner, trying hard to get himself dressed up properly haha. Came his other two friends, Vincent Pang and King. King was super funny lah... let the picture do the talking.

NUS Start of Commencement

I'm so happy and proud of you Mr Chen Junming

Yes and you too Mr Tan Jin Xin

And my dear 'bride' Suhui

Taiwan Gang

King wearing NTU convo gown appearing in NUS commencement hahahaa!

Anyway to sum up the NUS commencement, I feel really really happy and proud of all my friends! The happiness is something that is very hard to explain in words... It has been a long long time ever since I experience such strong emotions... so overwhelming for me! Of course not to the extent of crying, but the emotions within me is making me feel soooooooo.... unexplanable! Just super duper happy for all of them!!! =D


  • its nearly 10am le when we finally got seated...

    By Blogger onanlas, At 7:16 PM  

  • oh yeah hor... i forgot my 5 minutes in the washroom is as good as 15min le haha =p

    By Blogger qing, At 11:34 AM  

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