
Sunday, June 10, 2007

10 May 07
Tamsui Old Street
Fisherman's Wharf
Shi Lin Night Market

It's time for us to shift our luggages again haha. From Taiwan Hostel Happy Family back to Paradise Hotel.

All of us in the train heading to Tamsui

Reached Tamsui Old Street, where there were a list of famous food that we had to track down. But before that, we just had to get dunkin donuts! As they were having some kind of promotion, we bought a dozen of assorted donuts and couldn't resist taking a few shots of it.

Dunkin Donuts... my childhood donut hehe

As we were too early, most of the shops in Tamsui weren't ready to do business yet. Went to a shop selling coffee and other 3-in-1 beverages... Auntie was too kind to us that she kept pouring samples of drinks for us to try till we ended up being full haha. Reckon that we were in the shop for more than half an hour till other shops began to be in operation too. Just in time for some makan-ing heehee.

Matching hats and shorts. Just lack of a fishing net heehee

Some munching here and there... and Suhui recommended us this shop where its voted by her as her favourite stall.

Their menu is written on the ceiling, unique eh?

Take a look at the logo. What does it reminds you of? keke

Tried most of the recommended food but there's this Ah Gei that we couldn't find! Ended up its on a 'hill' and you really need to 'climb' (consider the hot weather) in order to savor it.

Climb so hard of coz must take a picture - lah

There's this suuuuppppppeeeeerrrr taaalllllllllll ice cream that we must laid our hands on! So touristy heehee.

The gals with the suuuuppppppeeeeer taaalllllll ice cream

Fisherman's Wharf is the place where the show, Meteor Garden filmed the sunset scene. As its highly recommended to catch the sunset over there, how can we missed it??

Me so act cute wahaha puke. Taking this yatch reminds me of the one that my GIP gang took to see the statute of liberty from afar. If only kaka is here and we can sing Home together haha

Finally reached Tamshui Fisherman's Wharf!! =D Very relaxed place that shares similar ambience with San Francisco - with the artists drawing portraits of people and scenery, soothing music and some pubs from a distance.

Yu Ren Ma Tou

I cant think of a caption for this pic

Thought this pic is kinda lonely with the background of the mama and kid



Ah... finally the moment that we have waited for has arrived!

Beautiful sunset. Even more so beautiful with my friends around me

The gals with our back facing the cam

This is one of my favorite photo. Love it so much that its currently on my desktop. I think I love pictures that capture our backs haha. The last pic of my desktop was the one taken in portland, with our backs too. 这张照片非常有感觉!


Under such beautiful sunset, we all had our share of fun and laughter.

朋友和日落, 在加上一点欢笑 = 永恒的回忆

All of us at Qin Ren Qiao - Lover's Bridge. Jin Xin wants the uncle to kneel down and take this group shot.. Uncle sweating wor hehe

As its getting dark, Mei Xuan, Suhui, Jun Pei and me headed to the Mirarmar Ferris Wheel while the rest headed to Shi Lin Night Market first. As long as I remember, this is my first time taking the ferris wheel. The view wasn't as awesome as we thought, but we had fun on the ride heehee. Caught something unexpected though =p

Ferris Wheel

After we were done, we went back to meet the main group for some eating and shopping in Shin Lin. Tried lotsa food like guan cai ban, where I literally took it as a coffin snack -_-"" Turned out that the meaning is 升官发财, and not direct translation of coffin. My favorite is the peanut ice shaving thingie... Wanted to look at how Auntie do it but she was done in seconds. 来不及偷师!

Famous Shi Lin chicky

Did some shopping in Shi Lin and its kinda comical to see those mobile vendors moving about whenever they heard rumours of police coming =p

They just love this kind of basketball arcade

九份是我最喜欢的地方。。。 喜欢边逛小镇, 边吃东西。 那种小镇味道 + 朋友 = 非常棒的感觉! Moreover the inspiration for 'Spirited Away' is derived from there.

渔人码头是第二名! 日落 + relax ambience + 朋友 = 构成出美丽的画影。 Also, we had some nonsense of fun there. 感觉是非笔墨所能形容的。

如果要来个第三名的话, 就是淡水!只是因为有很多好吃的东西而已。 感觉 normal. 只是非常的热啦!

A little bit of regrets in Shi Lin. Didnt master the courage to try 猪血糕! 因为大家都说很好吃哈哈! 不过, 听名字就够吓人了。 哈哈我这么肤浅。。。 以后要勇敢的尝试!


  • can c u pple reali enjoyed alot.. Since when i oso cn go on hols??

    By Blogger ssmkj リムユーティン, At 7:31 PM  

  • 'Their menu is written on the ceiling, unique eh?'

    if u read carefully, this is not their menu. its jus 二十四季 where ppl catagorise a year into 24 periods in e olden days. e num beside is e degree of earth to e sun...

    By Blogger onanlas, At 9:53 AM  

  • to ssmkj: =) probably during the school holi heehee... or when you grad? i think it will be a memorable grad trip bah =)

    By Blogger qing, At 9:17 AM  

  • to onanlas: oops haha! coz i thought suhui told me that i can order food just by looking at the ceiling haha... i must have heard wrongly then. thanks for correcting me eh... 不然误倒了大家就不好了。


    老板娘! 给我来个 NT135 的立秋, 和 NT165 的白露! 哈哈!

    Thanks for correcting me keke =D

    By Blogger qing, At 9:22 AM  

  • Their menu is written on the ceiling, unique eh?

    By Blogger 呆子們德, At 7:30 PM  

  • Their menu is written on the ceiling, unique eh?
    gaga!!!!tat is not a menu~!~!!~~~~~
    tat s 中國各節氣的名稱及農曆日期!

    By Blogger 呆子們德, At 7:31 PM  

  • GaGa我發現一個問題!
    I didn't realize till just now that你爲什麽突然開始寫那麽多中文,而且給我部落格留言用中文,MSN我用中文!哈哈

    By Blogger 呆子們德, At 7:35 PM  

  • to tiran: oops kaka! 被你发现了哈哈!

    Onanlas 说 its jus 二十四季 where ppl catagorise a year into 24 periods in e olden days. e num beside is e degree of earth to e sun...

    你说 tat s 中國各節氣的名稱及農曆日期!

    I think what both of you said meant the same thingie... but 我还是没听懂哈哈。 能肯定的是那一定不是我所谓的 menu 哈哈。 不好意思丫。

    不过如果有食物叫立秋和白露, 你不觉得还蛮特别的吗? 所以我说:

    老板娘! 给我来个 NT135 的立秋, 和 NT165 的白露! 哈哈!

    哈哈 kaka... 我没有完全被同化啦。 华语程度太差不可能被同化。 现在回来了 singlish, everything all coming bah - lah! hahaha

    By Blogger qing, At 10:30 PM  

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