4 Apr 09

Being a kiddo in HK Ocean Park

1st Post of Year 2009
I had always wanted to post something to conclude the end of Year 2008 and embrace the new year. However the lazy bugs get the better of me so it ends up all virtual thinking without action heh (whats new huh?)
Looking back 365 days of 2008, a huge portion of my time was spent on work. Those days where you worked past midnight, sometimes weekends, occasionally public holidays, but still, the workload never seemed to decrease. Undeniably, its also through this pile of work where i get to learn new things, interact with night shift staff, and learnt more about myself under different circumstances.
My boss bought me supper for Payroll week, nice gesture! =)
But hey! I do get my fair share of fun as well. Otherwise, all work and no play makes Eve a dull gal ya know? heh. Catching up with friends for gossipy sessions + a getaway to HK for shopping and makan were great ways to rejuvenate hee. A fruitful 2008, minus the fact that I still didnt pursue the things that I've been wanting to do/ learn all the while... Never mind I thought, for I have Y2009 to continue my resolutions...
Being a kiddo in HK Ocean Park
So Y2009 came and we are now in Q2. Q1 has just passed and I shared with some that 20 Jan 09 had been one of the most stressful night since I started working. It was my company's D&D, and it was the first time we had this. I felt that all 450 happiness were dependent on my 1 emcee, and it was a tremendous pressure to ensure the show ran well. I certainly wouldnt want the budget to go to waste, and all my staff deserved this to reward for their past performance and a night for us to unwind and have fun. The night is yours, and truly, everyone transformed overnight into cool dudes and beautiful ladies. I have to thank my committee for this, if not we wouldnt be able to done it.
The preparation stage, 2 hours before the final showdown, and my committee String is busy being the photographer to capture our hardwork haha
So the Hollywood Nite was over and it was a busy month of deep dive and T&A project. Looking towards the fun side of Q2, a Malaysia trip was planned on Labor Day and Taiwan trip in May. I remembered my first Labor Day ever since I started working was spent in office, calling up interns and sending emails invites. Some of the interns were surprised that we do actually work on public holiday! Oh well, what could I say haha... But rest assured that this aint gonna happen again because I wouldnt be in SGP, aka, no access to labtops hee.
April is a peak period of hard work before I embark the journey of fun in May. Hope all are doing well and lets work hard and play hard!
finally something... ^^
onanlas, At
8:49 AM
haha... xi guan jiu hao..
thank u for ur support hehe
qing, At
11:36 PM
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