15 to 19 June 07
WSC COR - Taman Negara
A trip where I learned much about myself and others. Keep the spirits alive ya? =)
Zhan Zhi, Qian Hao and Jin He while caving. It was actually quite dark in the cave, which explained why Qian Hao was wearing the head light like a detective eh? hehe. This is the first time I realised the benefit of being a shortie heh. I dont really have to bend down much and could climb up and down within the cave without fearing of bumping my head into the protruding edges of the rocks heh.
Abseiling - Bravo to those who conquered their fears and landed safely.
Rock Climbing isnt easy as the rocks have sharp edges. Besides these, we also tried flying fox, river crossing and rafting. My greatest fear lies in flying fox but after trying it, I realise that its actually not as scary as I thought. In fact i didnt know that its so tiring to climb up the ladder and so carefree while flying across the river heh.

This was my first time camping in a cave. Kinda cool experience despite having backaches the next day due to the uneven ground heh.

Group C
CMY on the suspension bridge

Group C in Taman Negara. After long hours of being in the forest, we had rapids shooting and were completely drenched haha.

What better things to do other than 'taupok' people on the last night? Hahaha

One last shot of the whole group to leave some memories behind. This is truly an amazing adventurous trip where it challenges not only physically but mentally. Thanks to everyone who cheered upon each other and yeah, we made it! =D
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