1 Jan 08
Happy New Year!
Finally I'm back blogging after what seems like four months of virtual disappearance haha. Looking back, it has been a fruitful 2007 which I need to leave some alphabets behind, otherwise it may seem like a year has gone by without much happenings heh.
Beginning last year (2007) Jan, I thought I'm going crazy with the amount of stuff I had with me. Going on internship during office hours, having FYP meetings and CCA meetings after that, doing assignments in the wee hours... I thought I'm experiencing the life of a full time worker plus part time student heh. No kidding man... but still, I manage to survive with some bruises here and there.
Rushing through FYP, enjoying the last bit of student life before officially saying good bye in my convocation gown, which also means embracing the corporate world. That's where real learning begins.
Going on my graduation trip with peeps from both NTU and NUS, Malaysia trip with WSC COR, Cambodia with Campus Impact... makes my May to July holiday a meaningful one. You really have to go and experience it yourself to know what it means...
Gatherings with different groups of friends to eat, talk, sing and shop, acting tourists to explore places of interests in Singapore, attending interviews to find out more about companies and through it, to understand more about myself... have been the activities to keep myself 'alive' before stepping into the corporate world.
With each step that we took, we are learning things and finding purpose in it. Determination and courage is needed for the year 2008, and I'm riding it to keep myself afloat. Cheers to a brand new year with champagne in hand! Slurp! =D
Happy New Year!
Finally I'm back blogging after what seems like four months of virtual disappearance haha. Looking back, it has been a fruitful 2007 which I need to leave some alphabets behind, otherwise it may seem like a year has gone by without much happenings heh.
Beginning last year (2007) Jan, I thought I'm going crazy with the amount of stuff I had with me. Going on internship during office hours, having FYP meetings and CCA meetings after that, doing assignments in the wee hours... I thought I'm experiencing the life of a full time worker plus part time student heh. No kidding man... but still, I manage to survive with some bruises here and there.
Rushing through FYP, enjoying the last bit of student life before officially saying good bye in my convocation gown, which also means embracing the corporate world. That's where real learning begins.
Going on my graduation trip with peeps from both NTU and NUS, Malaysia trip with WSC COR, Cambodia with Campus Impact... makes my May to July holiday a meaningful one. You really have to go and experience it yourself to know what it means...
Gatherings with different groups of friends to eat, talk, sing and shop, acting tourists to explore places of interests in Singapore, attending interviews to find out more about companies and through it, to understand more about myself... have been the activities to keep myself 'alive' before stepping into the corporate world.
With each step that we took, we are learning things and finding purpose in it. Determination and courage is needed for the year 2008, and I'm riding it to keep myself afloat. Cheers to a brand new year with champagne in hand! Slurp! =D
u finally write something...
onanlas, At
9:59 AM
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