
Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Solutions for 10 year series?

I failed to answer a '10 year series question'.
Somehow I knew that it will be asked, but I choose to let it go. I thought by doing so will be the best answer but seems otherwise.

Since its already over, no point crying over spilled milk. The other party may not feel any better either, and by looking from the biggest stakeholder's perspective, may the best person win. It may be a blessing in disguise for another person. I hope it will be a win win situation for all of us.

Studies have shown that we should spend more time to further build on our strengths to move ourselves further rather than to spend equal amount of time trying to improve on our weaknesses, which may be a marginal return compared to the vast amount of effort being put in. I guess sufficient effort has to be put in to improve on weaknesses to an acceptable level and pushing our strengths to a much higher level. Seems quite true to a large extent by looking at the people around. But first, we need to identify our strengths and weaknesses. How well do you know yourself?

When we load ourselves with more things/ emotions, we need to let go some as well. Otherwise it may get too overwhelming and end up getting screwed.

Question of the week: How can we create value?


  • the value that u create value differently to different people. then the next question is who are the people that u want them to value your value?

    By Blogger onanlas, At 10:31 AM  

  • i want myself + my people to value the value that i created haha!

    By Blogger qing, At 9:42 AM  

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