Some places that work out for you doesnt mean that they will work out for others. Giving yourself sufficient time to try and adapt means giving both parties a chance as well. It may be time for you to move on, but eventually there will be a place meant for you.
With power comes with great responsibility. Does it mean that with no power comes with no or lesser responsibility? True to a large extent I think, and power can indeed be a double edged sword. It can either magnify the greed/ evil intention or it can make things move in the right direction. Whatever it is, exercise with caution so that it will not be abused, and we must always stand on the ground and keep that faith going.
Why do we have to conform to the environment we are in? Did anyone state that as a rule or code of conduct? Or is it an assumed statement in the society? Sounds plain easy to use these as excuses if we didnt think hard enough why certain things happen in this manner or did anyone really take the first step and try to make a difference? A positive difference? No doubt it takes courage to do so, to move out that one inch and be a little different, yet not to deviate too much if you dont really want to be so ahem, different - so where is the midpoint? It is easy to go with the flow, follow the norm, but when things shouldnt suppose to be in this manner, would you be the first to voice out? In the state of uncertainties? We should fight for what we want and not conform to the usual circumstances if it brings about a win-win situation for all of us. Never try, never know.
Can you tell me more about yourself? Many people were caught unprepared with this question, a one word sentence that seems so easy yet carries some depth in it. How well do you know yourself? If you dont even understand yourself, would you expect others to know you better?
If you have the knowledge but yet cant express/ communicate it out, its almost equivalent to not knowing it. People will not know what you know or dont know if you dont say it out.
Sometimes if you are trapped under a circumstance, it may be better to move yourself out and get going, so that you will be able to see things from a different perspective. Who knows after awhile, you may be equipped to go back to where you have left and complete it, to move on even further. Leaving it halfway doesnt mean you are quitting, you can choose to take the longer path to complete it too.
There's really a lot of work going on here. Can you manage? Yeah well its managable but a little stretched, but yeah we are fine. So what's the issue over here? Aren't we all stretched? Just gotta bite the bullet and move on. How about trying to deploy resources around? Putting a bit more effort today will reap far more rewards in the future.
Being emotionally attached isnt a bad thing if you can manage it. Looking from a different perspective, the reason why you're emotionally attached is because you care! Nothing wrong with that as its common for humans to function in this manner because we think, we feel and we react. We are somehow, 'configured' in this way. What's challenging is to be in control of your emotions and not breakdown.
Can you do it? I'll try. Try isnt good enough, but yet I wouldn't want to overpromise and underdeliver. I'll try my very best to make things happen.
We are taught not to simply be 'yes man'. But who can accept a 'no man' that's right in front of you? Do you do things that you know its right but nobody will support or just let it pass?
Even when the future seems uncertain, we have to stay focus and put in our very best effort to get things going. We are not just responsible to ourselves, we have to be responsible to our people as well.
Will passion overcomes procrastination? Who is the big daddy here huh?
'Can you do it?'
'If you trust me..., I can do it.'
onanlas, At
8:54 AM
trust needs to be earned.
qing, At
5:15 AM
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