Credits for my marketing research project not only goes out to the groupies, but also to the peeps (known -- JX and feng, and unknown) who has helped to fill in the survey forms.
Utilise all my networks over here but still couldnt get all the survey forms done. headed to the balmer commons and approached strangers to get it over and done with. learn that this kind of thingie must be thick skinned! luckily, nobody has rejected me hee hee. in fact, i made a friend John from Hong Kong. hope to catch him at FIUTS lunch next time. and another guy was a senior who took this module before. he gave me some tips on how to improve on this survey form. real friendly and helpful peeps!
Went to the FIUTS lunch as usual and was overwhelmed by the crowd... kids from some schools dropped by and we interracted with them. i approached 2 kids (i think they are about 9-11 years old) and tried to kick start a conversation with them. they are pretty shy and soft spoken, and i guess i bored them to death haha. probably coz i aint good with children, or i look too mean to them haha.
Jio-ed my cheapo buddy JX, and together with ling we went to get our freebies after the free lunch (haha both are free). the students were actually promoting a safe spring break - meaning must use condoms if you have sex and dont drink if you drive. so in our goodie bag, it contained 2 condoms coz the instruction book said that each time you need to bring two just in case haha. doubt ntu will ever have this kind of freebies going on haha. upon hearing about the contents of the goodie bag, tiran already booked the condoms from me le haha. dont know what he up to... this spring break in NYC... hahaha... tiran better be safe wor... if i know we have any missing pots and pans in the pantry, then we will know who has kapo it le lah keke =p

the freebies!
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