
Friday, May 25, 2007

After much procrastination, I'm ready to blog about my pre preparation for my Graduation Trip to Taiwan. Yeah!

Somewhere in April

I'm so excited about the trip heehee. Suhui is the organiser for this trip and we have a strong team of 8, consisting of 3 guys and 5 gals. However, I only know 3 of them. So majority of them are strangers to me haha. As this is more of like a free and easy trip (only the 2nd day is a planned itinerary by the agency), some planning is essential to prevent us from being like lost sheeps when we reached there. Although the fun of travelling sometimes lies in minimal planning, we reckon that some planning is essential too so that everyone will roughly know the plan.

So instead of studying for my final exam, I got distracted by the overwhelming pool of information on the net. Taiwan really has more to offer besides Shi Lin Night Market and Xi Men Ding! And the white water rafting makes me so gaga over it... so I'm trying to endure through this difficult period of time till I'm officially free to make some serious planning! =D

2 May 07
Last Paper in NTU

This day is the unofficial graduation day for me... I'm done with school! Cant believe that 3 years of uni life is over... I will probably blog about this on a separate entry.

So after my exams I went to settle some administrative issue, followed by meeting some of my GIP friends for some photo taking session in NTU. Its hard to decide which scenic areas to take, as we only have our fountain (not very impressive as compared to the one in UW) or the yun nan garden. In the end we decided on the fountain, lee wee nam library which is so famous on youtube haha, GIP office where we have became friends, mlt which has changed its name to lkc, and one of the LTs where my engineering friends had their lessons before.

Next, I popped by to hall 2 to find my friends Zhang Zhang and Wang Jing. They are two amazing gals who have came over to NTU for an exchange program. We chatted for a while before I had to leave for the Spiderman 3 movie in Suntec. To see them leave reminds me of my own footsteps in Seattle. I think its easier for me to leave than to see people leave bah. All the emotional feelings attached are so tough to handle, sometimes. But I know they have truly enjoyed their stay over here and have learned invaluable lessons from this immersion. All the best to your internships back in China and I'm looking forward to have you here again!

Spidey show... Aint a fan of such gendre of movies so nothing much to comment about heehee. Thanks Ronald for the show, at least its a great form of immediate relaxation after my exams.

The serious planning of Taiwan trip begins from here haha. Did some last minute research as I will be meeting Suhui and Yingjie tomorrow to discuss about the itinerary.

3 May 07
Discussion of Itinerary

Went to collect my passport while Suhui went to update her photograph. She was really funny as she claimed to have brought a set of photographs (kiasu!) BUT she changed her bag. This means that the set of photographs which she claimed were in ANOTHER bag! -_-""" See lah who ask you to anyhow change bag =p So with only one photograph in hand, she has to take her picture on the spot as the rule is to have two photographs. Nevertheless, she managed to update her photograph the same timing as I managed to collect my passport. Talk about 人山人海 ('people mountain people sea') on a weekday afternoon!

We met Yingjie at AMK Big Mac in the evening to proceed with our discussion of itinerary. The day to day happenings in Taipei is more or less fixed, while for Hua Lien we have to contact the Hua Lien uncle. As for Gao Xiong, its kinda messy so Yingjie's friend, who went to Gao Xiong for an exchange program will be helping us out with the itinerary.

Happy Birthday to Yingjie!!!

4 May 07
1st Chat with the Guys

Had a WSC OVE meeting in school, followed by a dinner with my JC friends coz Hui Kie is flying off to Beijing for her internship. This gal is always busy flying here and there haha, but I'm sure she will enjoy every moment of it. Jun Kiat, the all time nice guy offered to drive the ladies for ktv session and me back home. Could not join them as the Taiwan gang is meeting in MSN to discuss about the trip and I'm already late! =p Driving from Orchard to AMK takes approx an hour due to the slow traffic.. pengz. And poor Jun Kiat's car was decorated with the arts of bird droppings in the car park =(

Appeared online in msn but to see the poor attendance rate haha. Heard that Jin Xin is busy playing mahjong so he could not appear online haha. Anyway, the two dudes seem to be okie with the itinerary as no objections were voiced. A bunch of easy going people heehee.

5 May 07
Phantom of the Opera!

The much awaited day has arrived! Nope its not the day of me in Xi Men Ding eating and shopping, its the arrival of Phantom! This is my second time watching it and I must say that the standard is almost as good as Broadway's de. Thumbs up!

Last minute packing again heh heh.


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